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What is a Delegate?

Participation in CyberDAO governance may require a significant time commitment. For this reason, members may delegate the voting power of their staked CYBER tokens to a community member who has volunteered to actively participate in governance. A delegate is such a volunteer and a member of the Cyber community who has been elected to represent other token holders and make governance decisions on their behalf. Delegates are elected by token holders granting them their voting power. Only delegates can participate in voting.

If you prefer not to delegate your voting power to another representative, you must still delegate to yourself to be able to participate in voting on proposals.

As a delegate, you must follow the CyberDAO Constitution and Delegate Code of Conduct, be familiar with Delegate Expectations, and act in the best interest of the token holders you represent.

Participate in Delegation

Learn more about the delegates of CyberDAO, delegate your voting power, and explore becoming a delegate by creating your delegate statement on the Cyber Governance Hub on Agora.