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Working Constitution of CyberDAO

Note: This is a "Working" Constitution and is subject to change. The first version of the Working Constitution was ratified on August 24, 2024 by vote from CyberDAO.  It will evolve with the continuous contributions from the Cyber community, and future changes will be ratified through votes by the DAO.

CyberDAO represents a diverse community of users, builders, token holders, and broader stakeholders engaged in the Cyber ecosystem. CyberDAO has been established to facilitate contributions from diverse stakeholders in governing the Cyber ecosystem.

This Working Constitution serves as a foundational guide for CyberDAO, describing the initial structures designed to decentralize governance within the Cyber Ecosystem. It establishes the initial governance framework for CyberDAO and and its legal wrapper, Cyber Foundation.

Recognizing the complexity and unpredictability of future challenges within the web3 space, CyberDAO’s Working Constitution is built with the flexibility to adapt and evolve. As a result, the Working Constitution is a framework intended to be revisited and potentially updated or replaced as the Cyber Ecosystem grows. All decisions to update CyberDAO's governance authority must be enacted by CyberDAO through the passage of a community governance vote, as described in the current CyberDAO Code and Procedures.

  1. First and foremost, this is a “Working Constitution”. This Constitution describes the decision-making framework for CyberDAO governance. As a Working Constitution, this document is subject to change due to the dynamic nature of the industry and the decentralized structure inherent to DAOs. CyberDAO will experiment and evolve to maintain effective governance mechanisms and grow over time. The future direction and evolution of CyberDAO and the Cyber Ecosystem’s governance will be based on the decisions of the community enacted through CyberDAO.
  2. CYBER Stakers and Delegates will govern CyberDAO to advance the ecosystem’s best interests. CyberDAO must balance short-term goals with the longer-term goals of the community and its members. Different stakeholders may have conflicting goals, so CyberDAO members should implement changes that are best for the overall community and keep Cyber L2 and the broader ecosystem competitive in the dynamic web3 space. CyberDAO will implement governance mechanisms that facilitate participation from the greatest number of community members while maintaining systems that minimize the governance burden on individual community members.
  3. The Cyber Foundation will be a steward of the CyberDAO and act on its behalf. The Cyber Foundation is a Cayman Islands foundation company. It operates to support CyberDAO as a formal legal entity, facilitating the administration of CyberDAO’s collective governance. The Cyber Foundation also stewards the early evolution of DAO governance. The Foundation will not provide these administrative services indefinitely; its ultimate aim is to coordinate contributors in creating the technical and governance foundations that allow the Cyber Foundation to decentralize its role over time. Some of the administrative tasks the Cyber Foundation may engage in on behalf of the DAO include, but are not limited to:
    • Entering into contracts with third parties on behalf of the DAO, such as with service providers,
    • Helping develop frameworks, such as the Working Constitution and the Operating Manual, to facilitate participation,
    • Other actions that are required for its stewardship role.
  4. Specialized Councils. Councils are unique and important structures within CyberDAO governance, consisting of representatives who manage resources or make decisions on behalf of token holders and the community at large. They are comprised of elected representatives who fulfill roles otherwise filled by the Foundation or other centralized actors and therefore play a critical role in the decentralization of the DAO.
  5. Rights of CyberDAO Members. It is intended that CYBER stakers have authority over Cyber, the L2 for social, and CyberConnect Social Graph, as well as the associated underlying protocols. CyberDAO members are CYBER stakers. Stakers have the ability to directly influence the ecosystem's future by submitting and voting on proposals through staked tokens (currently with cCYBER, with stCYBER voting support planned for the future). Through these staked tokens, CYBER stakers are able to submit, deliberate, and vote on governance proposals.
  6. Amendments to the Constitution by Majority Vote. This is a working constitution and will evolve continuously based on contributions from the Cyber Community. The current Working Constitution, after ratification through a vote, will remain in effect until changed, with a mandatory review every year after publishing.