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The Cyber Foundation

The Cyber Foundation is a foundation company based in the Cayman Islands, established to support the formation of CyberDAO.

In alignment with CyberDAO’s Working Constitution, the Foundation is committed to:

  • Providing the DAO with a formal legal structure.
  • Guiding the initial development of DAO governance.

Supporting the DAO through a formal legal entity

As an established entity (a Cayman foundation company), the Cyber Foundation serves as an established entity that can enter into legally binding agreements with third parties in the "real" world, operating under limited liability. This allows the Foundation to:

  • Enter into contracts with service providers and other third parties.
  • Handle necessary governmental reports and filings.

Stewarding the early evolution of Collective self-governance

In its stewardship role, the Cyber Foundation currently facilitates a number of administrative aspects of Collective governance. For instance, it:

  • Monitors and moderates governance proposal processes.
  • Implements approved governance proposals.
  • Helps develop frameworks, such as the Working Constitution and the Operating Manual, to facilitate participation.

The Foundation will not provide these administrative services indefinitely; its ultimate aim is to coordinate contributors into creating the technical and governance foundations that allow the Foundation to decentralize its role over time.