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Deploying Smart Contracts using Remix

What is Remix?

Remix Project is a robust set of tools that can be used by individuals of any skill level throughout the entire process of developing contracts, and it also serves as an educational platform for learning and experimenting with Ethereum.

Getting Started with Remix

  1. Visit Remix to get started.

  2. Navigate to the File Explorer and click "- create a new workspace -" to create a workspace.

  3. Input your smart contract or use the sample contract below.

    // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
    pragma solidity >=0.8.13 <=0.8.19;
    contract Counter {
        uint256 public number;
        function setNumber(uint256 newNumber) public {
            number = newNumber;
        function increment() public {
  4. Navigate to the Solidity compiler sidebar option, select the COMPILER version.

  5. Click Compile.

Deploying your Smart Contract

  1. Navigate to the Deploy & run transactions sidebar option.
  2. Change the top ENVIRONMENT dropdown to "Injected Provider - MetaMask"
  3. This will take you MetaMask - Press connect in Metamask to allow Remix access.
  4. Use the following information to add Cyber network to Metamask
  • Network: Cyber
  • New RPC URL: [RPC_URL]
  • Chain ID: [CHAIN_ID]
  • Currency Symbol: ETH
  • Block Explorer URL(Optional): [EXPLORER_URL]
  1. Once connected, you can deploy your contract by clicking the Deploy button.